Your Support Makes a Difference
I know that my proposal for financial support may raise a lot of questions. We all have heard or know organisations who have not been faithful with entrusted donation. I really understand your skeptical thinking. Therefore, I want to be very transparent about the usage of your kind donation.
Why no wages?
Crossroads Foundation is a non-profit organisation (NGO). My work is based on a self-financing basic through private fundraising. If you decide to support me, your donation will be deposited in an official donations account administrated by SMG Switzerland (Schweizerische Missions-Gemeinschaft). Their function is to operate as my Swiss employer. You will also receive your donation receipt for your tax deduction from SMG.
How will your donation be used?
First of all, every amount donated to my account will be used for my own support and will not be shared with others without my expressed consent.
Within their responsibility as my Swiss employer, the SMG not only administrates my account they also use my donations to pay for my health and social insurance in Switzerland. From my monthly wage, which is covered by donations, I pay my rent as well as food, household articles and other personal needs. I also have to save money for my annual flight to Switzerland which is part of my service contract with the SMG (4 weeks every year). Furthermore, the SMG is a counterpart and assistance in every cause and I am committed to report back from my work. This partnership and commitment gives you certainty that your donation will be used in a trustful way.
In a broader sense, your donation also supports the worldwide work of Crossroads Foundation as I would not be able to accomplish my service without your assistance. Please find further information about Crossroads and its responsibilites here.

Can I Count on You?
Would you like to financially support my work in Hong Kong? Please deposit your donation to one of the following accounts and mention Support SMG Andrea Kuhn as purpose of payment.
Your donation in CHF (worldwide):
Schweizerische Missions-Gemeinschaft SMG
Swiss Post - PostFinance, Nordring 8, 3030 Bern
Account No. 80-42881-3
IBAN: CH92 0900 0000 8004 2881 3
Support: Andrea Kuhn
Your donation in EUR (worldwide):
Schweizerische Missions-Gemeinschaft SMG
Swiss Post – PostFinance, Nordring 8, CH-3030 Bern
Account No. 91-424418-9
IBAN: CH36 0900 0000 9142 4418 9
Support: Andrea Kuhn
Your donation in EUR (Germany):
(partner organisation DMG)
DMG interpersonal e.V.DE-74889 Sinsheim
Volksbank Kraichgau, Wiesloch-Sinsheim
IBAN: DE02 6729 2200 0000 2692 04
Support: SMG Andrea Kuhn
Every donation makes a difference!
Thank you very much for your kind support.