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A Heart for Hong Kong

I volunteered full-time as a graphic designer and communications manager for a Hong Kong based NGO from 2017-2019. The city and amazing people I met will always have a special place in my heart. I have been blessed through frienships across borders, nationalities and cultures. Bidding farewell after three years was incredibly hard but it was time for me to move on.

What did I do?

Job: 100% volunteering

Organisation: Crossroads Foundation (NGO)

Job site: Hong Kong, China
Tasks: Communications Manager / Graphic Designer
Wage: self-financing through donations

Background Story

Crossroads Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Hong Kong who defines itself as a 'crossroad' between those who are in need an those who can help.


In the past few years, Crossroads was in need of an experienced graphic designer who can support the communication team in Hong Kong. This call has reached me in spring 2016 and only one year later I moved to Hong Kong where I live and work now.

Wie es dazu kam
My Motivation

The Asian culture, especially those from Japan and China, was always very fascinating to me. Through my passion for history, I decided to travel to the ancient empire China to see the witnesses of the past like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City with my own eyes. In 2014, I visited different cities including Hong Kong and despite the different culture I discovered a deep love for these people here.

Hong Kong is an impressive city, well known as a wealthy economic metropolis and important global finance hub. Though behind the sparkling skyline there is a lot of poverty, suffering and distress which is mostly unseen. The huge gap between rich and poor and the fact that Hong Kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world makes the situation even more tragic. Only one example for the forgotten souls of Hong Kong are the so-called cage dwellers.


My motivation to work as a volunteer in Hong Kong is the opportunity to help people in need in a practical way through my graphic design and communications skills. I do this by informing people about poverty and social injustice in different parts of the world. The purpose of my work is to inspire and empower people to take action and support charity projects worldwide.


The following video tells you the background story about my way to Hong Kong. It is also available in English.

Was mich bewegt
Andrea Kuhn | Ein Herz für Hongkong

Andrea Kuhn | Ein Herz für Hongkong

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About Crossroads

Crossroads Foundation is active in four main fields:


Goods Distribution

High-quality goods from Hong Kong are redistributed to people in need locally and internationally.



Through Global Hand, Corporates get connected with charity projects around the world.


Faire Trade

With a shop and cafe in Hong Kong, Crossroads offers producers of handicraft products and food a platform to increase their income and to work on a fair trade basis.



Companies, schools and individuals learn about international social injustice issues through simulation experiences.

Über Crossroads
Crossroads' Team

About 80 full-time volunteers from 20 nations are working in Hong Kong without payment. All full-time members, including myself, are responsible to raise their own financial support to cover their costs. This is only possible with a faithful circle of sponsors.

© 2023 Copyright by Andrea Müller-Kuhn

Portfolio pictures sponsered by Kurt Zuberbühler, InspirationBild

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